
Showing posts from August, 2020

News Sources

Hello again! Today we're talking about news sources. Where do you find news sources? What type of news sources should I look for? And what news sources do I use? Well, they're a lot of types of news sources. This can include but not limited too, newspaper, news channels, social media, even friends and family. By using a mix of all of these news sources, you are more inclined to getting a unbias view. It may take time to find a news source that you enjoy, and that's okay. As a woman that lives in New York, my news source preference may be different than a man in California. For me, I like to use a variety of news sources so I am able to form my own opinion. Politics can play a tricky role in the news. Most Republicans will stick to a conservative news station while most democrats will lean more towards something they agree with. I'm going to tell you a little bit about the 5 news sources I choose to follow. Wall Street Journa l  The Wall Street Journal is a newspa

About Me!

Hello,  My name is Nicole Chiapperino, I am a current freshman at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communication major with a minor in Pre-Law. I am also a member of the Communication Media Fellowships. I was born and raised about 30 minutes from New York City in Rockland County, New York. After High Point, I would like to get my master's in Communication and possibly go to Law School. I am very interested in Politics and hope to one day work for a political campaign.  Thank you!