News Sources

Hello again!

Today we're talking about news sources. Where do you find news sources? What type of news sources should I look for? And what news sources do I use? Well, they're a lot of types of news sources. This can include but not limited too, newspaper, news channels, social media, even friends and family. By using a mix of all of these news sources, you are more inclined to getting a unbias view. It may take time to find a news source that you enjoy, and that's okay. As a woman that lives in New York, my news source preference may be different than a man in California. For me, I like to use a variety of news sources so I am able to form my own opinion. Politics can play a tricky role in the news. Most Republicans will stick to a conservative news station while most democrats will lean more towards something they agree with. I'm going to tell you a little bit about the 5 news sources I choose to follow.
  1. Wall Street Journa
The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper based out of New York's business district. The WSJ is a place to go for an unbiased reading. I enjoy looking at the WSJ because I am able to get a variety of information in one spot, from politics to real estate.

      2. Fox News
With lots of controversies, I do watch Fox News. Fox News is a republican/conservative news source that shows you a biased side. A lot of people are frustrated that Fox shows the conservative side at a higher standard. I watch Fox get that conservative angle on politics, but I don't stop there.

      3. CNN
As an independent, I like to hear both the republican and democratic sides of the spectrum. That is why I listen to CNN. CNN gives you that democratic side. I enjoy hearing both sides because that helps me pick what I think is as close to the truth. It also allows me to lean to whichever side I would like to. Especially in an election year, CNN is very favorable towards the Democratic Nominee.

     4. LOHUD
LOHUD is the Journal News for the Lower Hudson Valley, where I live. I choose to listen to this news because it gives me updates on my town and the surrounding towns. LOHUD does a good job at stay unbias because they are very fact-driven. LOHUD stories are not only just news, they range from local businesses' and their stories or a local sports team doing well in a game. Even the most normal person, maybe featured in LOHUD. Even while living in North Carolina, I enjoy looking at LOHUD to keep up with new stories being talked about at home.

     5. US News
I choose to also look at US News because this gives me an overall idea of what is happening in the country and what the country is looking like as a whole. During the Corona Virus, US News has been a great source of information. 


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