
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Blog Post

                                                 The advanced technology that we have today is relatively new. The purpose of the internet was military protection and communication. “ARPANET” was the first computer network developed in 1969. As outstanding and innovative technology is, it comes with its challenges. Every person has a different relationship with technology. When given a phone, what's the first app you would download? Personally, mine would probably be Instagram or some other social media platform. At the same time, an adult might go to download a news app or a banking app. Technology can be used in so many different ways, and that's what makes it so unique.            Technology is a fantastic resource for everyone because it has all the answers at your fingertips. No more having to read a whole book just for one answer or looking through an encyclopedia for a fact; it’s all right there. While in school, students might be quickly posed with a question; my first