Eight Values of Freedom Expresion


    In America, we value our freedom over most things. In our First Amendment, we are given our freedoms that no one, including the government, can take these away from us. There are Eight Values of Freedom Expression. One of these Eight Value’s include “Check on Governmental Power”. This was stood out to me because it includes our freedom to challenge the government and stand up for what we believe in. Check’s and Balances are used to divide the power of the country into 3 branches. These branches are able to make decisions individually and come together to provide the rights that citizens are owed. You don’t have to be high up in power in order to challenge the government. Everyone has the right to challenge. And everyone should use their rights. In my opinion, if you do not use the opportunities you have, to make a change then you can not complain when things don't go your way. Just like I say, if you choose not to vote, you can't complain about the results of the election. It is important to use your voice to check the government and make a change where you think it's needed. 

    Checking the governmental power had a lot more to do than protest. Protests are a big part of checking the government and showing that you are passionate to want a change. But, checking the government can also involve being actively involved in finding a solution to make this change. For example, A few years ago I felt that the state government needed a change in New York regarding school laws. Accompanied by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, I traveled to Albany New York. We spoke with State Senator Robert G. Ortt, Assemblywomen Ellen Jaffee, Senator David Carlucci, and other members of New York administration. We talked about the need for schools to immediately contact parents when a student is expressing the want, or even joking about suicide, harming themselves, or a depressive thought. I remember sitting there as a girl around my age that stood up on stage and told all of the lobbyists about her close call with suicide. Her parents had absolutely no clue she was in that dark of a place, but the school did. At that time, the school was not liable to tell the parents. But, like I said before, it's important to come with a solution. These people I was talking to have a lot on their plate and if you don't come fully prepared, they're not going to follow through. So, We worked on getting grants for training in middle and high schools to have people certified to be contacted in the event something came up.    




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