Privacy, Online & Off Ted Talk Response

                                             Network security in a world of encryption - Information Age

    Technology is an amazing thing that we are lucky to have. But, that does not change the fact that it can be a dangerous apparatus. Watching Christopher Soghoian's Ted Talk I was informed on so many parts of technology that I never really thought about. Wiretap is a scary thing and it can put people's privacy in jeopardy. Tapping is a huge part of catching criminals and it has many advantages and can help police and other agencies to do their job. But, it is fair to put everyone else's security at risk? Soighain explained that this new type of encryption would make it harder to catch the bad guys. But, with practice, it will become the new normal, the better normal. 

    Something said in the Ted talk that stuck with me was "After 100 years of being able to listen to a telephone call... government officials are not very happy". I think it is very comforting that people are fighting for our safety, and people in power are understanding this is not how it should be working. No one should have access to an innocent person's private text. I really appreciate the effort of the government to try to change this. I also think apple is a huge part of this change. Apple has more encryption that most companies and they respect each person's privacy. 

    It's scary to think about a personal text I send to my friends and family may be getting read by someone else. Some people may think, "Well I don't have anything to hide", quite frankly, neither do I. But, it is still not acceptable that I have to think about where this message is going to land and who will be reading it. I completely understand that when a bad guy or someone being watched by the government they need access to some extent of their personal technology. But, is it legal to have it without them knowing? I feel as though there should be a subpoena to the courts and it may be handled that way.


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