Extra Credit- The Coded Bias

 In the movie, The Coded Bias, it shows the facial recognition in technology and how the technology is parallel with past beliefs of race. The meaning is exactly what the title says, “The Coded Bias”. The coding in technology, and the bias it is following. This movie talks about how technology today is better at recognizing lighter skin males rather than dark-skinned men. In the UK police are using facial expression and it is against human rights. For example, there was a man that noticed he was walking by a facial recognition van and he decided to cover his face so he was not recognized. He was then stopped by police and given a fine. But why? He did nothing illegal. That is just one of the examples of freedom being taken due to facial recognition. 

It was spoken about in the movie how, How are people supposed to change this if they don’t even really know how it works? They were using a model at Amazon that was scanning through resumes and not passing through any women’s application. 

Something that really struck a chord with me was when one of the women in the movie was talking about how even our own technology is listening to us. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, there is someone or something listening. Honestly, watching this movie showed me what is actually going on in the world right now. Yes, technology has given us great success and has taught us so much great information; but, this should not put our safety and freedoms at risk. I think that this movie and movies like this are opening people’s eyes around the world. 

Pennsylvania courts were given an algorithm, these were given to judges when they were sentencing someone to prison. How is that fair? Is was proven to be racially biased. This algorithm was there to develop a number for the risk of reoffense. High-risk people were usually people with darker skin tones, while lighter skin offenders were usually ranked lower in the algorithm.


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