The Supreme Court


    The Supreme Court, the top of the Judicial branch of government. The supreme court consists of 9 justices. The justices are “appointed by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate” ( This means that the president will get to pick someone that he thinks is deserving of the position. But, as we saw in the video, this is not a termed position. Unlike the president and other government positions, this position is held for an average of 16 years.

    So, you may be asking what is the Supreme Court? What do the justices do? Well, the Supreme Court handles the highest standard cases that have already gone through trial. These cases come at about 7,000 per year. But, because of time restrictions, the Supreme court will only take on about 100 cases per year. These cases have been argued before in a courtroom but may have been appealed. If someone is appealing a case, they may send it to the Supreme Court and file a petition. These petitions are very hard to get passed because of the high volume of cases getting sent to the supreme court. Now, What do the justices do? Supreme Court Justice is such a different position than other government workers. Justices are not able to be biased or be an advocate. Justices have to be very subjective and have to work alongside the Constitution. In order to be fair, Justices need to follow the same guidelines for all cases. The founders of the United States wrote the Constitution so that people could interpret it and follow the Free American way. It is shown that people do respect the Judicial Branch and the Supreme Court because they follow what the verdict is.

    The Justices work together to come up with one final decision. This is done by setting aside time after the hearings for all 9 justices to sit together and vote. There is no one else in the room. After this, one of the justices will take 4 weeks or so to write an opinion and a statement for the verdict. The verdict is done before the end of the term in late June.


I personally think people in America have a large amount of respect for the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is built on a long-lasting document, The Constitution. This causes less controversy throughout the Supreme Court. As said in Part 2, the supreme court is looking to the long view. I learned a lot from watching these videos. People give such fame to the President, but not much to the Supreme Court. I think in America we base our knowledge off of what the media wants to show us at a particular time. But, with research and watching videos like this, we are able to expand our knowledge and get to know a lot more about our country and the way it runs. The Supreme Court makes huge decisions that not only affect the people directly involved but direct the court's decisions in the future. People around the country follow big-time cases because they seem fun and exciting or like an episode of TV. but these cases all start out as regular people just like you and me. 

Throughout history, we have seen so many cases in the SUpreme court that have changed the course of history. We are extremely lucky to have the media and to be able to follow these cases.,as%20stated%20in%20the%20Constitution.


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