Technology- VCR PANASONIC AG2580 Pro VHS VCR: Electronics    

     Watching one of my classmates presenting about VCR's were very interesting. I learned a lot about VCR's in this presentation, the history especially. I thought it was interesting the idea behind VCR was recording and that was why they made them. VCR tapes were able to give everyone such an amazing advantage in regards to being able to watch something that had already been live and played on television. TV was such a big invention that It was obvious that inventions would come after it to enhance the television, this was one of the inventions. 

    I thought the presenter did a really great job and explaining the pros and cons of VCR to the class. In regards to the pros, one I never would have thought of was global communication. I never thought of that. But, it is certainly true. VCR and recordings were able to expand communication and it was definitely a benefit for everyone. I thought it was interesting went the presenter started talking about the cons of the VCR. Copyright and Laws are a huge issue in regards to the VCR because it is essentially taking someone else's work and pretending it is yours. Just like plagiarism, recording someone else's work is illegal.

    This presentation was very interesting and taught me a lot. I think the presenter did a great job teaching the class about VCRs.



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